Saturday, June 18, 2005

Story from Siem Reap

I think you know what happened in Siem Reap, Cambodia last I don't have to tell you about that.(for people who don't know, go search from internet, I'm sure AP reported it very clearly!)
But the story I'm telling you is about me... with no preparation for this coverage. I flew to Siem Reap on that day...with no spare clothes! and even it's over within one day but I had to stay there for 2 nights! Can you imagine?? me... same clothes...same underwear..working all day..sweating a smelly.. but I had to be in the same outfit.. for 2 days... mmmm... and only when the coverage was over that I could have time to go shopping!! So I bought a very cheap Angkor Wat t-shirt from local market (2USD) and yes.. new underwear! I can tell you it's not easy to find a good quality bra and panties in Cambodia! I asked our driver where people go buy their underwear? he said... market... same place that people go buy vegetables and meat and other food!!
But I was lucky I met thai staff in the hotel, so she told me where to get a better quality I got it..phew..
Next time I'll leave some spare underwear and t-shirt in my office!! This thing will never happen again!
P.S. I washed my shirt and underwear everyday!!!

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