Monday, October 08, 2007

SinGing in the rain!

Hello folks!

This is just a quick update about my life! I'm now in raining Singapore... I will be back to Bangkok (probably raining too) tomorrow.

While I'm here, I'll try to experience the food in Singapore as much as I can!
P.S. I already met PY and mistipurple in person... It's to confirm to you guys that they're real human beings. More stories to tell later...


mistipurple said...

hahah. you haven't pinched me.

goldilocks said...

happy sightseeing. enjoy your trip. sorry i can't make it last night. if i'd gone, you'd have met another human being but a silent one (sore throat).

may said...

I'm sure mistipurple and PY have entertained you well! :)

looking forward to reading more SinGing stories!

Winn said...

hi jane! i added u in fb remember? haha...sorry it took me so long to visit.....all fb's fault!

Anonymous said...

Pffft! what's going on?

remember, if you ask, don't eat. if you eat, don't ask!

take care!

Anonymous said...

NO WAY, are they really real??

COOL !!!

Simple American said...

Leaving you a hug! *hug*

cutiepie said...

any update on Singapore??? food?? people??? shopping??

Parisian Cowboy said...

Wish I was in Singapore. Paris is boring right now ;)

cutiepie said...

there's no more rain here .. in kl