If you have problem with your LAN cable connectors, don't worry...just call ME!
I now know how to change the broken connector to a brand new one by myself!!
Yeah!! I have a special tool...pliers...for this job. Make it simple!
I finished 2 connectors today (messed up 2 connectors too...oops...not working!) It's not that easy you know? hehehe...and of course, you can't be colourblind to do this task! I made it!!! Yeah!!!
So from now....if you have any problem with your LAN cable connectors, you know who to call for help. Right?
Handy Jane... *wink*
hey, handy girl! isn't there anything you can't do? *grin* you go girl!
hmmmm... I don't need fixes just yet... I use Wi-Fi... hehehe!
Ok, fix me a Pad Thai with Chicken and Basil and Hot Chilli Padi!! *grin*
hahhahaa i like green curry!
Ah, handy girl. But that means I have to be in Thailand to enjoy your handy hands?
I used to do that in the army. Soldering is fun. Especially when you solder your friends shoestrings together. hehehe
SA, no soldering required, don't even need to strip the insulation :)
jane, can u make me a crossover cable pleaseeee :)
I was watching parts of the news on TV tonight, now I can better appreciate why people in Thailand like to wear yellow. Respect to the monarch.
umm, if we call you, must we provide airfare and accommodation too? =P take care, since you were on MC not too long ago?
@may: chup! Oh..ok you go wi-fi girl... you don't need me.. *sob sob*
@LB: silver chup! I'm not a cook! Well..if you want to risk... I can make that for you!
@misti: bronze chup! I like green curry with roti!!
@PY: Hmm.... I guess.... hehehe..
@SA: I like doing that..too.. *wink*
@slurp!: gimme a minute..I need to learn how to do that!!!
@PY: YES!!! I wore yellow today too!!! We love our King
@JY: mmm...yes please... I will doit for you for free!!! :-P
@JY: MC?????
you look very happy fixing lan cables :P
ok i so would not be able to do what you just explained!!hahaha.. i am no handy woman!
hey, i need to clean up my room, are u game :P
juz kidding
hehehe... this is really the handy Jane :)
testing testin
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